Registering a trademark prevents your brand name and logo from being used by others. So, it is important to first check if your desired trademark is available and not already registered or similar to an existing one by conducting a search on the Indian Trademark Office website.
Submit a trademark application online through the Indian Trademark Office website or a trademark agent, providing details such as your name and address, the trademark details, and the class of goods/services.
The Indian Trademark Office will examine your application to ensure it meets all legal requirements, which may take several months, during which you may receive objections or requests for clarification.
If your application is accepted, it will be published in the trademark journal for four months, during which anyone can oppose your trademark registration.
If there are no oppositions filed or if they are successfully resolved, you will receive a registration certificate for your trademark, which is valid for ten years from the date of filing and can be renewed for further periods of ten years.
J. Banerjee & Advocate provides trademark registration services to help you register your trademark in a hassle free manner. Through our expertise and experience we can expedite trademark registration for you. To register your trademark please connect with us.
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